The TW/NG-1 family brings a host of new features to existing two-wire irrigation decoder technology.
- Long distances
- Many stations on at the same time
- Greater resistance to interference.
- Positive acknowledgement of commands received
- No exposed DC anywhere, tolerant to earth leakage in wiring
- Decoder and solenoid can be separated by up to 1000m
- High lightning immunity, backed by a warranty
- 5-year warranty
- Decoder programmed and tested using an App in an Android
phone with NFC - Tamper protection
- Record of who last altered the decoder’s data, date and time.
- Decoder tested using the App. Voltage at the decoder displayed
- Decoder can hold its geo-location and textual notes
- Decoder interface retrieves data from all decoders into a database
- Database can be loaded into a service engineer’s phone
- Stored geo-location used to give directions to the decoder, using
Google Maps.
- TW/NG-1-CC Valve on/off plus contact closure and counting
- Measures a volt-free contact open or closed. Used with
the new generation of valves that sense correct opening or - Counts contact closures (de-bounced) up to 4 per second.
- Used with a flow meter or tipping bucket rain gauge
- Measures a volt-free contact open or closed. Used with
- TW/NG-1-420 Valve on/off plus 4-20mA sensor reading
- Loop excitation 24VDC up to 25mA
- Variable pause for sensor warm-up time
- 12 bit resolution, 0.2% Accuracy
- Used with pressure or lake level sensing
- Used with flow meters with 4-20mA output
- TW/NG-1-2.5 Valve on/off plus 0-2.5V sensor reading
- Sensor power 24VDC up to 25mA
- Variable sensor warm-up delay
- 12 bit resolution, 0.2% Accuracy
- Used with analog output moisture sensors, etc.
To order or for any enquiry please contact us by email or by phone.
Email: sales@twl-irrigation.com
Tel: 01346 531193
Application Notes